Beer & Cheese Pairing

Join us for a night of fun as Kate Truini from Oakville’s own New Curds On the Block shares her love and knowledge of all things cheese with you and your Valentine!!

We’ll be pairing five beers along with five cheeses which Kate has curated from some of New England’s finest cheese producers. Beer and cheese pairings are likely to be:

Melinda MaeMystic Cheese Company, Groton, CT 
Blubbery and briney brie made from Jersey milk; mouthcoating, with notes of cultured butter, button mushrooms and sea salt – paired w/ Squirrel Master Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter
LumberjackOld Chatham Creamery, Groton, NY
Bucheron-style goat’s milk cheese with a chalky paste and gooey, bloomy rind – paired w/ Interflow American Wild Ale
Cachalot Mystic Cheese Company, Groton, CT
A true Connecticut cheddar. Smooth textured with notes of ripe pineapple and pasta de guyaba – paired w/ When Stars Align IPA
HooliganCato Corner Farm, Colchester, CT
Washed-rind cheese made with raw Jersey milk; unctuous and meaty like cured pork – paired w/ Interfow Cerise
High Lawn BlueHigh Lawn Farm, Lee, MA
Melt-in-your-mouth blue with a buttery paste and peppery blueing throughout – paired w/ Shooter’s Tour Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Milk Stout

Tickets available at:

Cheesemonger Kate J Truini is an expert in area cheesemaking and local dairies. Through her business New Curds on the Block, her new shop in Oakville, and her educational appearances, she supports regional agriculture and access to and appreciation of the best available cheese and dairy products. 


Feb 15 2023


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Lasting Brass Brewery
Lasting Brass Brewery
Oakville, CT

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